Net-at-hand API Documentation


The Net-at-hand API (application programming interface) exists to allow developers to access access and manipulate the information in their Net-at-hand account. The API gives CRUD access (create, read, update, and destroy) to clients, sites, and content.

The purpose of this documentation is not to give a tutorial for any one programming language to access the API. We are simply documenting the how the API works and the general practices for using it. Specific implentation of those practices is not covered.

All server responses are delivered in standard JSON format.


The Net-at-hand API uses basic HTTP authentication. The authentication credentials match the email and password that you normally use to log into the Net-at-hand admin area.

Note that the api should be accessed via an encrypted SSL connection at This is not enforced, however, at the server level, so you are able to access the API in an unencrypted fashion. If you do this, however, the username and password will be send in the clear and could be compromised by someone intercepting the transmission of the information.

Get, Post, Put, Delete

The Net-at-hand API is designed to adhere to the RESTful methodology of application design and as such relys on the standard HTTP methods of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE to manipulate the data in your account. For each URL listed in the documentation below, the allowed methods and what they perform will be listed.

A list of attributes that can be used for POST and PUT commands is given below.













When using POST or PUT commmands, attribute names must include the name of the data that you are trying to mantipulte. So the format for all three data types would be:

For example, if you wanted to update the name of a client, the attribute name would be “client[name]”.

Alternatively all the attributes can be passed as JSON with a single attribute named “json”.


